Case Expense

Transform how your law firm handles case expenses with Alethi's intelligent platform. Automate interest calculations, streamline bill processing, and accelerate draw requests—all in one powerful solution designed for modern law firms.

Interest Tracking

Say goodbye to manual calculations and spreadsheets. Alethi's intelligent system automatically updates interest rates, recalculates case expenses, and adapts to US Prime Rate changes in real-time. Experience error-free interest tracking.

Interest tracking dashboard showing automated calculations

Document Processing

Our advanced document processing system automatically extracts, categorizes, and matches bills to your cases. Cut data entry time by up to 90% while ensuring accuracy.

Bill upload dashboard showing effortless bill uploads

Draw Requests

Transform weeks of back-and-forth into minutes. Our streamlined draw request system automatically generates and routes requests to your lending partner for immediate review. Get faster access to the funds you need.

Draws dashboard showing single click draws